We are US Americans used to our freedoms.
We use US as a filter through which to understand the world.
We take liberties with liberty: we use it; it uses US.
We are also a smaller group terrified of US, because we don’t feel
like we have a sufficient purchase on what moves US.
We don’t have a sufficient grip on US.
We don’t know if we have a high enough sale-price on US.
We look at US ourselves like a zombie looks at a free person and sees a zombie
like a free person looks at a zombie and sees a zombie. US
is a privilege, an army of privileges, wearing US a mask of rights.
The right mask uses US as a libertine uses a chance,
a chance to engage in liberty with a wild, wild smile for US.
We US admire the unfree as the necessary opposite and
natural extension of US.
We want to extend our freedom into the unfree and become an unfree US,
and then free ourselves like a fountain of US.
Or maybe we just don’t know what it means to be US.
I feel I have been invaded by US,
and trained to feel the way it feels to be a part of US,
and I fully embrace that privilege of feeling US,
so that US can never take me out nor single me out from US.